Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tricks for Potty Training Boys

So I've only potty trained a boy. I have not had the opportunity to come up with fun lessons related to potty training girls. This will change over the next few years though. ;) Of course, there are many steps for potty training success that you can read in any parenting magazine but these are my personal tips from life experience. :)

1. Make going potty it's own reward~ Yes, it's possible!
~ Let your son pick out a food coloring color. Put a couple drops in the toilet. When he tinkles the color will grow and spread. Watch how proud he is of what he did.
~ Same idea, but with bubbles. Squeeze a little bit of cheap soap in the toilet. When he tinkles he will make bubbles. Now that's exciting!

2. Give 'em a boost!
~Public bathrooms present many challenges, one being the height of the toilet. If he is just a little short to stand at the toilet; have him stand on your feet. Way easier than holding him. And he will be able to relax better than be dangled over the toilet.

3. Up for boys, down for Mommy!
~Priceless lesson. Mommies beware. ALWAYS check the seat before you sit down or you just may sit on a tinkle seat. Or fall in for that matter. ;)

4. Hand Sanitizer
~ It takes more effort than a aerobic class to hold a child up to public sinks to wash their hands. (never mind trying to keep their clothes dry) Hand sanitizer will be your life saver!

5. Keep clothes simple
~No overalls
~Limit buttons, snaps, and zippers on pants. There are plenty of cute elastic options, even in larger sizes.

~Don't let your child's clothes be the reason they don't make it.

~This will encourage independents as well as setting your child up for success.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Surviving the Stores with Kids

I'll be honest, the thought of shopping with my kids use to send me into minor anxiety attacks. It is SO hard to focus on the safety and happiness of your kids while trying to decide which cereal is going to be the best deal this week. Here is what I have come up with to make shopping with kids a little more bearable and dare I say enjoyable.

1. Entertainment- Allow your child to bring one small toy to keep them busy.~ For younger children this should be a item that can be attached to the cart, so you don't have to keep picking it up.~A special set of toys that get rotated for shopping trips will make the toys more fun. ~They are less likely to ask you to buy something if they already have something.
2. Comfort- Your child will be able to tolerate you shopping trip longer if they are more comfortable.~If you only need a few things maybe the stroller would be more comfortable than the cart.~ Cart covers that be purchased at at retailers like Target and Walmart can make carts more comfortable, protect from germs and usually have toys attached.
~A blanket can also be used in a cart to add padding and comfort.

3. Snacks!
~I have a formula holder with separate compartments that I bought from BabiesRUs that I keep a variety of different snacks for the kids. (Goldfish crackers, raisins, puffs, cheerios, etc) Distracts their focus momentarily. Which is also nice at the check out counter. ;) "Here I already have a snack for you."

4. Picture Grocery List- Did you know that a lot of store websites allow you to print items from their ad that include a picture? Just click on the items you want and print your list. ~Your kids will have fun hunting for the items on their list

5. Shopping Passport- Make a little book that looks similar to a passpart.
~For each place you go (Walmart, Kroger, Post Office, Bank, etc) Write where you went on each page with the date.~Ask an associate to make a special mark in the book for your child on the page (cashier or door greeter, someone you interact with). Many associates may think this is strange, but others will have a great time with it with stickers or little drawings. ~This will give your child a small reward for making it through the trip that costs nothing.

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Once Upon a Child $1 Sale!!!

This is one of my favorite times to get clothes for the kids! Once Upon a Child locations in the Dayton area have all their clearance clothes and toys for $1. Can you beat that?!

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Advice that Only a Mom Could Give

I was asked at a baby shower if I have a blog for all my Mommy tips. My response was, “well kind of. I have a blog, but don’t seem to find time to post anymore.” :) So this post is dedicated to my co-worker’s daughter, Mandy. I hope you find some of these tips helpful and maybe even make your life a little easier. Congrats and good luck!

1. Don’t take lactation consults too serious. (They do this enough themselves.) Your little one knows what the “good stuff” is, so if you give him a bottle even once a day he is not going to “get confused.” (n fact we did this is preparation for me going back to work. When it was time for me to work, Zoey had nothing to do with the bottle. :)

2. How to ward off post-partum depression.

1. Eat snacks. Have easy foods on hand that you can eat with little prep. (Fruit cup, yogurt, pretzels, cheese cubes, sandwich materials, etc)

2. Takes naps. -It’s easy to want to clean or play on the computer, but taking a nap REALLY helps

3. Take a shower every day. No, really. -Some days it is hard to find time for a simple shower, but fresh clothes and a shower really does wonder for the mood.

4. Take small outings. –I’m talking super simple. Just a ride in the car to soak up some sun (if there’s any to be found) and get fresh air.

3. Babies don’t know about designer labels. Save money now and by 2nd hand clothes. Babies don’t care if they are wearing Gap or Walmart.

4. Use the date stamp on your camera. Having the date right on the picture is priceless when looking back at pictures.

5. Skip stage one food. Stage one and stage two baby foods are the same foods. The stage two food just comes in a container twice as big and is often the same price as stage one food. Yes, some will get throw away at first, but you will get your monies worth.

6. Skip the kid’s meal. There is no point paying for an extra meal for your little one for awhile after they start eating table food. They just don’t eat that much and there is no point and buying a $4 meal for 3 bites of food. Bring a fruit cup, juice box, and crackers when eating out and just share your meat from your meal.

7. Always have an umbrella stroller in the car. You never know when it will come in handy. This will free your hands to do other things, such as banking.

8. Avoid over scheduling. Everyone will be excited to see your little one, but too much visiting will be more than you and baby can handle. It is perfectly okay to say things like, “Today is not good, Afternoons work best for us, or We are really not up for visitors.”

9. Always have your camera handy. Keep it in your purse when you go out and leave it on and nearby counter when at home. You will catch the best moments when you have your camera in sight and in mind.

10. Socks make great teethers. Certainly there are other items that work too, but in a pinch a clean pair of socks stashed in the diaper bag makes the perfect teething relief for your little one. (And when table food is introduced baby carrots are nice for your little one to chew on.)

So 10 is a nice amount to end with. Plus, if I don’t go back to sleep it will be time for another feeding. ;) If I think of other great tips I will add them. :)

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