Friday, January 28, 2011


Hi Everyone! Welcome to my once again new and improved blog....or in the process of being improved. As my life as changed with the additional of our second child, I have found my interests have shifted. I still love my coupons, but at this point they are just part of my regularly routine. I want to share with you some of the fun activities that we are doing at our house and maybe even a recipe or two. For those who know me well, you know I'm not much of a cook....but I'm on my way. The recipes I share will be easy, yummy, and worth trying. The activities I share will be focused on preschool aged children, but can be altered to fit your child's skills. Activities will be engaging, provide an opportunity to practice some sort of skills and give you and your child an opportunity to bond. In today's technology world, I think we could all use a little more of that.
So join me on my journey and hold on tight because it promises to be an exciting ride!
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