Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Birthday Countdown Fun

Train cupcake treat Ethan brought to school for his 4th Bday.

I'm big on planning fun stuff for the kids birthdays.  Nothing terribly expensive and elaborate, but definitely creative.   This year I have plans on doing a combined family party with the them of Tutus and ChooChoos. Tutus for little Miss Zoey who will be 2 years old and ChooChoos (for the 3rd year in a row) for Ethan who will be 5.  I think it sounds wonderfully fun.  We'll just have to see in a month or 2 what comes of that idea.  ;)
Zoey sporting the tutu I made her for her 1st bday

Any who, I ran across an idea that is too brilliant not to share (and quite frankly help me remember).  A paper chain birthday countdown.  So easy but so cool!  Kids are totally visual, so this is perfect.  On the outside of the paper link write how many days until their birthday.  On the inside of the link have a family member write a memory they want to share the the birthday child. Each day the birthday child gets to take another link off and read the message.  I love sharing and keeping memories, so I am in love with idea.  I think I would want to save the links in some sort of book to be able to review years down the road.  

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