Ethan is loving the YMCA sponsored sports and I have to say I'm pretty impressed myself. The philosophy of the Y sports is everyone plays and everyone wins. What a great concept! Andy is assistant coaching Ethan's team, which Ethan is LOVING.
Today I found that I am an assistant coach by marriage. Did you know it worked like that? :) Luckily for me (and the kids) they are only 3-5 years old. While my T-ball knowledge is limited to my experience picking dandelions in the outfield, I was able to keep up with the learning curve. The kids were learning which base was which, where to run, and when. (on a very basic level).
I stood on 3 base and "helped" direct the traffic of base runners. I got to run with a little boy who was crying as he slowly walked to 3rd base, give high 5's all around, and make kids feel good about the accomplishment of making it to 3rd base. I may have found my niche in sports....official encourager.
Back when I played spot laughing ;) it's true, I gave many sports a shot, but they were never as fun as the kids seem to be having on Ethan's T-ball team. So bring on those high 5's, smiles, cheers and applause and maybe just maybe our kiddos will find the fun in athletics that I never saw.
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