Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Remembering where it all Started

(I have always loved this water fountain at the hospital.)

Do you ever drive past a place and you are all of a sudden flooded by memories and emotions?  For me that is the hospital my children were born at.  Today I had a dr apt in the hospital, and it's funny all the things that instantly popped in my head on the drive there, while I walked through the hospital, and on the drive home.

On the way there:
I thought of when my water broke and my drive to the hospital. 
With Ethan my water broke 4 weeks early and we weren't expecting it AT ALL.  We were at Andy's parents' house and gathering up to leave for the evening.  I stopped in the bathroom and knew our plans were about to change as I yelled out the bathroom, "Andy, we have a situation!!" (which by the way the whole family stills laughs at me saying this.) Andy's mom replies, "Andy, get Becca some toilet paper."  I say, "Um.....that's not going to do it, my water broke!"
With Zoey my water broke 3 weeks early.  But this time we were completely expecting it, joking that my oven just cooked fast. :)  I wasn't feeling quite right and just wanted to go to bed.  As I was getting ready to get in bed and read stories to Ethan my water broke.  (these things never happen at convenient times. I just praise God it never happened in the middle of the grocery like in my nightmares) Ethan response was, "I'm going to tell Daddy you are peeing on the floor!!!"  I said, "Yes please, get Daddy!"  
While there:
 I thought about the many ultra sounds I had during my pregnancies. The excitement of finding out we were having a boy.  The relief when we heard our boy was growing and looking healthy at his 2nd ultra sound.  The worry and fear we felt during my second pregnancy when the ultra sound tech read from the previous early pregnancy ultra sound that "there is no sign of pregnancy." (I wonder when they were going to tell us that) Then finally having the 3rd ultra sound at not even 8 weeks pregnant when the dr finally congratulated us that yes we in deed were pregnant.  (that was a month of emotion and prayer to say the least)

On the way home:
I thought about taking each of our babies home and the emotion involved in leaving the hospital and that baby being OURS.  Wow!  What a journey.  I love thinking about and seeing how far we've come.  It's been a fun journey and I can't wait to see what adventures we still have to come!

(Picture taken by Ashley Logan)

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