Non Dairy Chocolate Snow Ice Cream
*8 Cups fresh snow
*1 Cup chocolate soy milk (sub regular milk for vanilla ice cream)
* 1/2 cup sugar (we used Splenda)
*1 teaspoon of vanilla
1. Collect 8 cups of snow (place a large bowl outside while it is snowing for the freshest snow)
2. Mix snow chocolate soy milk, sugar/Splenda & vanilla together
3. Enjoy right away! YUM!
My Review:
For those of you who don't know I am on a non-diary diet while Zoey is breast feeding because of a milk protein allergy. When a friend mentioned making snow ice cream with her kids it sparked the idea that I could make a diary free option. I'm super excited and very impressed with the result. Now I have a tasty ice cream option for those "ice cream kind of day". :)
Ethan got a kick out of using snow to make something to eat. When I told him he could take a taste he said, "but it's snow." He liked mixing and pouring more than eating, but then again that's Ethan, not really into eating much of anything.
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