Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tricks for Potty Training Boys

So I've only potty trained a boy. I have not had the opportunity to come up with fun lessons related to potty training girls. This will change over the next few years though. ;) Of course, there are many steps for potty training success that you can read in any parenting magazine but these are my personal tips from life experience. :)

1. Make going potty it's own reward~ Yes, it's possible!
~ Let your son pick out a food coloring color. Put a couple drops in the toilet. When he tinkles the color will grow and spread. Watch how proud he is of what he did.
~ Same idea, but with bubbles. Squeeze a little bit of cheap soap in the toilet. When he tinkles he will make bubbles. Now that's exciting!

2. Give 'em a boost!
~Public bathrooms present many challenges, one being the height of the toilet. If he is just a little short to stand at the toilet; have him stand on your feet. Way easier than holding him. And he will be able to relax better than be dangled over the toilet.

3. Up for boys, down for Mommy!
~Priceless lesson. Mommies beware. ALWAYS check the seat before you sit down or you just may sit on a tinkle seat. Or fall in for that matter. ;)

4. Hand Sanitizer
~ It takes more effort than a aerobic class to hold a child up to public sinks to wash their hands. (never mind trying to keep their clothes dry) Hand sanitizer will be your life saver!

5. Keep clothes simple
~No overalls
~Limit buttons, snaps, and zippers on pants. There are plenty of cute elastic options, even in larger sizes.

~Don't let your child's clothes be the reason they don't make it.

~This will encourage independents as well as setting your child up for success.

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